September 23rd Studios @ APE
One week from now the Alternative Press Expo (affectionately referred to as APE) will settle in to it's newly appointed place in the yearly convention lineup, November 1st and 2nd! Converging upon our beloved bay next Saturday and Sunday is one of the premier gatherings of small press, self published and indie comic creators in the country, aside from SPX of course, and September 23rd Studios will be there. Mark and I will be on hand at the Cartoon Art Museum's table on Saturday to promote "The Wicked" and meet and greet anyone who is interested in meeting a couple of hooligans wallowing in obscurity but thriving on their own egos. I'm joking...we're not a couple of hooligans wallowing in obscurity.
We will also be attending the Cartoon Art Museum's Alternative Press Expo party following the con from 8-11 pm. Should be one helluva shindig! Hope to see some of you there...
We will also be attending the Cartoon Art Museum's Alternative Press Expo party following the con from 8-11 pm. Should be one helluva shindig! Hope to see some of you there...