Hello folks! You've been starin' at the same post for a while here so I figured it was just about time for an update. And away we go...
First, Mark and I did not make the top 50 of the Platinum Studios Comic Book Challenge. Something about profanity and violence. Oh well, let them censor other creators. We're doing this book our way! Unless of course someone wants to pay us loads of money to change it. Just kidding...kinda.
Next, as we still have a few publishing options open to us we are going to hold off on releasing "The Wicked" ourselves for the time being. However, in an attempt to tide over the viewing public we have posted an 11 page preview of issue #1 exclusively at our website
september23rdstudios.com! Go there now!

Original Art from "The Wicked" Issue #1
It has also been confirmed that I will be appearing at the San Diego Comic Con on Sunday July 27th from 12-1 pm at the Cartoon Art Museum table. Come on by and say hi! If ya bring a bottle of Maker's Mark or Black Label I'll give ya a free sketch! Seriously...
And last but not least I've added a few more links. How could I have forgotten Bruce Timm or the Cartoon Art Museum up 'til now? Sad.
That's about all for now folks. Hope your weekend's swell!!