Color me tickled...
So here's my first foray into attempting to color one of my strips. It is a new version of a strip I've already shown on this here blog so you can use it as a basis for comparison. There are a few items that are "unfinished" (such as the crash sound effect) as far as color is concerned but I think it came out fairly well. Then again I suppose I'm biased so judge for yourself.

All images © 2oo6 Alex Schumacher

All images © 2oo6 Alex Schumacher
I stumbled across your stuff on Frank Page' lol. We both did guest strips for him. I really like your drawing style. Where can I catch more of your new strip...what is it called? Can you tell I'm behind the power curve? Drop me a line.
44 Union Avenue -
Anonymous, at 7:47 AM
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